How to Conquer the 6 Month Sleep Regression Storm

Do you want to know how to conquer the 6 month sleep regression storm? Keep reading! It may seem like all our newborns do is live in dreamland. This time of peaceful slumber can come to a sudden and unexpected halt. Baby sleep regression is a term used to describe the phenomenon of periods where babies’ usual sleep patterns are disrupted, especially during nighttime. Now, you may be confused as to why your once docile baby is finding it hard to fall and stay asleep; sleep regression comes in waves and typically ties in with your tot’s developmental stages. But don’t worry, tired parents, these tough times won’t last forever, and there are numerous ways to ease these transitions.

Why Do Babies Go Through Sleep Regression?

Baby Sleeping on White Cotton // Healthier Baby Today

There are a few reasons why your tot may wake up throughout the night. When looking at the four-month regression, this is typically caused by the baby’s circadian rhythm setting in. The circadian or internal clock helps to tell us when it is time to sleep. For newborns, they’re almost in a constant state of deep sleep, so they tend to doze off frequently and stay asleep. 

When their internal clock develops, this can disrupt their usual sleeping patterns and bring on a period of sleep regression, as instead of being in a deep sleep, they are going between light sleep and light sleep. Because these light sleeping phases are new, babies are not yet accustomed to their new internal schedule, and this is what causes them to wake up much more frequently and often upset.

After the four-month regression, developmental stages will disturb your child’s slumber. Every few months or so, they will go through phases of cognitive and physical change. This can be overwhelming and uncomfortable, making it more difficult for them to sleep. Teething can also be important as their itchy and sore gums persist through the night, especially around the 6-month sleep regression phase.

What to Expect During the 6 Month Sleep Regression

Baby in a Blanket Yawning // Healthier Baby Today

After four months of circadian rhythm development, you think that it is finally time for average nighttime. This may be the reality for a while; however, when the 6 month sleep regression rolls around, you’ll wish you were prepared for it. So, this is what you should know: this period of sleep regression is due to several factors, such as your child becoming much more aware of their surroundings as well as new skills they have grasped, such as sitting unsupported, starting their first solids, babbling and showing more engagement. All of these milestones contribute to their interrupted sleep schedule. 

There is no definite reason for the 6-month sleep regression phase, and it can also fluctuate; there may be moments where it seems that it has stopped, and your little one drifts off and sleeps through, but not long after comes nights of waking and struggle. Although there isn’t just one answer, to try to generalize the reasoning for this up-and-down sleeping period is due to the development and increase in awareness of emotions such as separation anxiety, overstimulation, and environmental awareness. 

4 Ways to Cope with Baby Sleep Regression

No one likes feeling tired, especially when navigating parenthood. We may be unable to avoid sleep regression, but thankfully, there are ways to help parents and little ones cope during these tiring and frustrating times.

Here are 4 methods to try and ease sleep regression:

  1. Weaning the night feeds can help break the pattern of waking up for nighttime feeds. This may seem iffy at first, but around 6 months, babies acquire enough calories throughout the day so that they no longer need night feeds.
  2. Have a solid night routine – A consistent and healthy nap and nighttime routine can help your little one settle, as predictability can help them develop a good routine even through sleep regression. Please pay attention to their waking patterns and adjust your routine accordingly. 
  3. Time for sleep training – Sleep training helps your little one learn to fall asleep independently, even after waking up at night. This method is helpful for parents who constantly have to soothe their little back to sleep countless times a night. You start sleep 
  4.  Remove distractions – As mentioned, around this age, your baby is much more aware of their surroundings and intrigued by everything around them. This is why it’s a good idea to make the room lovely and dark when it comes to napping and bedtime. You can also add a noise machine if you’d like. This helps to calm their senses and relax.

FAQ Section

What are the typical ages for sleep regression?

The most common ages for sleep aggression are four months, six months, eight months, 12 months, and two years old. 

Do all babies go through sleep regression?

No, not all children go through sleep regression. However, it is a natural and common occurrence. Some babies don’t show signs of disrupted sleep, and in some cases, if your baby is already a bit of a fussy sleeper, it may be hard to tell the difference. 

How long does sleep regression last?

The length of sleep regression differs depending on the child, but these periods can often last two to six weeks. 

Conquer the 6 Month Sleep Regression

Baby in White and Blue Blanket, 6 Month Sleep Regression // Healthier Baby Today

It is no secret that having a child comes with many new experiences and adjustments. The same goes for your little one. Baby sleep regression doesn’t typically have one cause, but a significant factor is their ongoing developmental changes. Luckily, there are ways to help ease this rough time. Follow these tips to conquer the 6 month sleep regression storm effectively!

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